Adding Unlike Fractions |
To add unlike fractions (fractions with different denominators), create new fractions with like denominators, then add and simplify. |
How do we add the two fractions shown below?
Figure 1. |
Multiply each fraction by a fraction that has the same denominator as the fraction it's being multiplied by. Sound confusing? Look below:
Figure 2. |
We can multiply by (8/8) and (5/5) because they're equal to 1, and don't change the overall value.
Figure 3. |
Subtracting Unlike Fractions |
To subtract unlike fractions (fractions with different denominators), create new fractions with like denominators, then subtract and simplify. |
How do we subtract the two fractions shown below?
Figure 4. |
Again, multiply each fraction by a fraction that has the same denominator as the fraction it's being multiplied by. Sound confusing? Look below:
Figure 5. |
We can multiply by (8/8) and (5/5) because they're equal to 1, and don't change the overall value.
Figure 6. |